Saturday 23 October 2010

The One with the Sausage Song

We've been going to a a children's music class!

It's about 45 minutes long and just before the boys lunch so in the first few weeks his attention span waned towards the end but each week he's getting a bit more into it. 

We play musical instruments and learn about movement, sound and rhythm. You should see how the boy has taken to a maraca! I've had to get him one for home he loves it so much. It's like Mardi Gras in my house most days!

We also sing songs.

Some of the songs have visual aids.

One of the songs involves sausages!

Now at this point I will add a few bits of information you may need to get the best out of this story. One, I go along to this class with my mate and her little boy. Two, I like making my mate giggle inappropriately if something strikes me as funny. Three, the teacher is a bit "children's TV presenter", infact she reminds me of Playaway Circa 1977 (that shows my age). She also takes the class very, very seriously and sings the songs very,very high!

So this week we get to the sausage song. Join in if you know the words....

5 fat sausages, sizzling in a pan, all of a sudden, 1 (pause for effect) went bang!

So the teacher got out a large piece of red lycra, that we all had to hold and stretch, and then she produced, from one of her many tubs, the sausages for the song.

They looked like turds!

Hand made, knitted, brown, long, fat, sausage shaped, turds!

And we didn't have just 5. There were millions of the little things. All jumping about on the piece of lycra like big bouncing poo's!

Well I got the giggles!

My mate could tell I'd got the giggles and couldn't look at me! She later said it was like being back at school, when the person you sit next to is trying to make you laugh so you'll get in trouble with the teacher, and you know if you look at them you'll just burst with laughter and get told off.

And it's not just the dancing poo's that makes me laugh. There's a man's deep voice on the last song of the class that sounds like he's going to offer me sweeties or ask if I want to see some puppies any moment and I smirk at that too.

I'm lucky the boy is having a great time and doesn't realise his naughty mummy is taking the p!

I'm also very lucky not to get detention.....

Repeat 100 times. I must not muck about in class.....

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