Sunday, 3 October 2010

The One with the Inappropriate Comment

This bog carries a warning! If you embarrass easily, look away now! 

I did the weekly shop this morning. Hubby looked after the boy  and I visited a leading supermarket that was offering 25% off all it's clothes this weekend!

Needless to say I stocked up on the next size up for the boy to see him through the winter. 

Job done!

I got my other shopping which included some cartons of formula and jars and pouches of baby food for days out when he can't have something from my extensive range of "cubes" from the freezer! So the contents of my trolley left no doubt I had a little one but it also contained plenty of other things, food, cleaning products etc and a.. hum, hum.. (clears throat)  packet of condoms!

Unable to decide on our future contraceptive needs we are currently using, what my friend delightfully calls "ski-masks"! It's a straight choice it would seem between the coil for me or the snip for him! Or to put it another way (which would also work as a contraceptive) a bit of metal in me or something maybe a bit too permanent! for us to contemplate at this stage!

Hubby is insistent he doesn't want anymore children but apparently is reluctant to get the job done because "it hurts"! So does carrying another person inside you for 9 months and then spending 12 hours trying to push them out again but hey ho! 

I went to the till and was being served by a guy,  aged about 50 or so. The baby clothes, food and formula went through first, followed by my other items, including "something for the weekend" (probably next weekend now but even so).

The man had been chatting about my having a baby, how old was he, does he sleep through the night, the usual, when the condoms "beeped" through.

"Bit late now for these isn't it?" he said.

I was flabbergasted!

I don't embarrass easily. I'm fairly unflappable and I pride myself on my quick wit but even I was lost for words.

The cheek of it!

25% or no 25% off I was peed off I can tell you!

Their advertising may want me to "Taste something different" but this was one shopping trip that left a distinctively nasty taste in my mouth....

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